Ready To Upgrade Your Life?

"Get out of your head and into your body and let's see what the system knows how to do."  -Dr. John Upledger


My Promise To You

Come experience a reprieve from the pressures of the outside world. I establish a uniquely safe and sacred space, an oasis for inner peace, where we explore growth and expansion. Freedom from limitation- physical, mental, emotional- allows you to have more energy and emerge ready to face the world!

Take this opportunity for greater happiness and deeper connection in your life. Find purpose, joy, and clarity in your own personal transformation and let me help you take charge of your own health and well-being.


Craniosacral Therapy

The basis of all our work is CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, a comprehensive approach to mind -body health, practiced by an increasing number of healthcare professionals to alleviate painful symptoms of stress, injury, and trauma. By restoring balance in the central nervous system, this gentle hands-on treatment has a profoundly therapeutic effect on all systems of the body, which leads to a more relaxed, fulfilling life.



We use various methods of deep and conscious BREATH as a catalyst to clear emotional and physical holding patterns from the body, including those of grief and trauma. The myriad benefits of of increased oxygen can dramatically upgrade overall health and well being. Guided use of the breath cultivates self awareness, inner peace, and personal transformation.


Integrative Massage

Nourish the mind, body, and spirit with a customized INTEGRATIVE MASSAGE. This intuitive bodywork combines a multitude of diverse techniques to treat specific pain points and diminish mental stress. Relieving tension in the muscle tissue improves circulation, strengthens the immune system, and cleanses the body of toxins. Peace of mind and rejuvenation are vital components to healthy living.


Advanced Structured Hypnosis

One sophisticated approach to treat difficult conditions involves directly accessing the subconscious to clear non-supportive habits of thought and behavior, such as fear or smoking. Advanced structured HYPNOSIS involves inducing a deeply relaxed state to clear limiting belief systems. This heightened state of awareness creates a shift in the psyche, enabling a person to freely evolve.



Re-align and recharge the flow of energy through the body to restore balance with one of the fastest growing natural methods of therapeutic touch. REIKI energy work is a sacred and powerful way to strengthen our life forces. This age-old practice restores vitality and accelerates the healing process, making it the foundation of all the work we do.


About Jodi

Learn more about Jodi and her journey.

Now offering Zoom Breath Work Session.